
Tori is a full-time working mom to Conner and wife to Nick. She met her husband in Dallas when he was finishing medical school to become a chiropractor. After graduation, they left Dallas {Tori’s hometown} to move to Corpus Christi. Tori and her husband have an amazing 3.5 year old son Conner who was born at 33 weeks due to Tori developing HELLP syndrome. In addition to being a wife and mom, Tori runs her husband’s chiropractic practice as the Marketing & Public Relations Director as well as the face you see when you come in. She absolutely loves working side by side with her husband and wouldn’t have it any other way! If she has any spare time after all of that, you can find her in the gym or the yoga studio, in the kitchen baking, at the grocery store finding the stinkiest piece of cheese, or at thrift / antique stores shopping for the next treasure she can transform.

When Are You Having a Second Baby?

As soon as you have your first baby, the questions about when you'll have the second baby begin. Awe, how cute, when are you going...
Mother's Day Brunch- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Treat Mom to a Unique Mother’s Day Brunch!

Mother's Day is on Sunday, May 14th! (Side note - how is it already almost summer? Half of me wants 2017 to slow down while...
apple cider vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar: 2017’s “IT” Food

Every morning, without fail, I take a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV.) Willingly and happily! I may make a crazy face as my eyes...
5am face- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Exercise as a Mom: Make Time

The streets are quiet, the skies are pitch black, the husband and toddler are both snoring... and my alarm goes off. I roll out of bed...