
Pam is a city-girl gone country thanks to her best friend and husband of thirteen years, Johnny. Together, the couple has one son, Caleb {2005.} Pam has four adult children who have blessed her with seven precious grandchildren and the title of Meme’. As you can imagine, she has run the gamut in parenting! Pam has a barn full of chickens, rabbits, and donkeys. Some of her favorites are quality time with Jesus, learning to play golf to keep up with her husband and son, writing when time allows, and, of course, taking care of life on their small ranch. Except for snakes, scorpions, and spiders... her 'cup runneth over.'

Love Where You Live: Papalote, Texas

I love my neighborhood!  It's not the same type of neighborhood I grew up in many, many, many... well, you get the idea... moons...

16 Fun Field Trip Ideas for Your Home School Family

Field trips are something we like to do a homeschool family.  It's so much fun to find field trip options that are relevant to...

Pumpkin Decorating for Kids of All Ages

When I think of Halloween, the first thing that comes to mind is big, bright, orange pumpkins!  And lots of them!!  And no sooner...
My Love Affair with Fall and All Things Pumpkin- Wreath- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

My Love Affair with Fall and All Things Pumpkin

I know I'm not standing all by myself when I say, 'I LOVE FALL!'  It wasn't even officially autumn yet when I bought a...
For the Love of Honey {Ideas for Celebrating National Honey Month}- Honey- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

For the Love of Honey {Ideas for Celebrating National Honey Month}

September is National Honey Month! Personally, I love honey!  Mmmm, oh yes!  I'm grateful for the bees that work so diligently to bring us the...
Our Family is Allergic to the Grocery Store- Vegetables and Food Allergies- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Our Family is Allergic to the Grocery Store

I never thought we would be that family.  You know?  The allergic to this, intolerant to that, gluten free family. Food issues were headlined in magazines...
Teaching Good Manners and Respect to Kids- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Yes Sir, No Ma’am, Please, and Thank You

Hey!  I've learned something new, y'all!!  September is National Children's Good Manners Month! Seriously?!? Did you even know there was such a thing? I honestly...
Our Incredible Birth Story {Maneuvering through an Emergency C-Section}- Baby's NICU Stay- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Our Incredible Birth Story {Maneuvering through an Emergency C-Section}

Monday, June 20, 2005 was the date we were to be induced at 37 weeks.  It had been a long pregnancy with one sort...
Be Kind to Humankind Week- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Be Kind To Humankind Week {August 25th – 31st}

When I found out that August 25th through 31st is Be Kind to Humankind Week, it touched a place in my heart. The creator of...
From Messy to Minimalism or Somewhere In-Between- Tips for Decluttering Your Life- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Messy to Minimalism – Or Somewhere In-Between

Hi!  I have a confession to make.   I have a clutter problem and I can say that out loud now. Please know it isn't because...