Michelle Villarreal Leschper

Michelle Villarreal Leschper
Michelle is a South Texas native, wife, mom, beer & wine lover, nerd, career-focused and podcaster. She has two toddler girls and a fur baby who keep her active and enjoys taking her family to the beach and traveling. She has nearly a decade working in the communications industry and started her career as a multimedia journalist for the Corpus Christi Caller-Times, most recently spent five years as a public information officer for the City of Corpus Christi and currently works for Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi in the Marketing and Communication Department. She received her B.A. from the University of Houston in 2010 and M.A. from Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi in 2012. Michelle also owns and co-hosts the motherhood-focused Life’s a Mother podcast with her two sisters and is a board member with the Corpus Christi Maternal Mental Health Coalition.

How to Teach Little Kids about Easter

I was born and raised in the Catholic religion, but that doesn’t mean I have all the answers to my children’s questions, nor the...

How to Celebrate Reading and Creativity for Dr. Seuss’ Birthday

I have the pleasure of sharing a birthday with the one and only Dr. Seuss on March 2, which makes celebrating that much more special,...
Stress About Schooling

How Early is Too Early to Stress About Schooling?

Is there any parent who doesn’t want the best for their children? Even though we typically answer, “Yes, absolutely!” sometimes we face challenges without easy...

The Best Place to Watch the Lunar Eclipse is with Family

{Guest Post written by Michelle Villarreal Leschper} The last lunar eclipse I saw was many moons ago, but I vividly remember the excitement leading up to...