
Melanie is a working wife and mother of a high school freshman and second grader as well as their beloved 12 year old Doug the Pug! She met her amazing husband through mutual friends and with a lot of love and laughs, they are celebrating 10 awesome years together. She has worked in the Human Resources field for over 15 years and currently spends her days working for the Corpus Christi Independent School District. She loves to travel, and is a voracious reader who can always be found with a book or five to recommend, and it is her dream one day to publish a work of her own. Melanie also loves holiday décor. Whether it be Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas, she loves decking the halls of her home in fun festivity and celebrating with her family. She is so excited to have joined the CCMB team and can’t wait to share her experiences with the group.

How to Treat Lice Without Losing Your Mind

Picture it. You are snuggling on the couch before bedtime and your little one tells you his or her head itches. So as any...

Keep the Magic Alive With Christmas Traditions for the Whole Family

Last night I sat alone in the living room in the dark while my family slept and just stared at our Christmas Tree. I...
headache free

Simple Tips for a Headache Free Holiday

Moms, before we know it, it will be Christmas! I am a natural planner and list maker; however, even the most organized person can get...