Elisabeth Tabor

Elisabeth Tabor
Elisabeth is so excited to be living her best life in Corpus Christi. After years of visiting the beaches of the Coastal Bend, she is loving the salty air, sandy toes, and wind in her hair. No stranger to City Moms Blog Network, Elisabeth began contributing to Austin Moms Blog in 2012 and is thrilled to continue the sisterhood here in Corpus Christi! She is married to Rad Brad and has two boys, Hudson and Finn. Elisabeth enjoys all kinds of music, singing at the top of her lungs - especially in the school drop off line when the kids are getting out of the car - being outdoors as much as possible and is a complete and total proponent of NOT having a television in the living room.
Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up

Recipe Round-Up: Thanksgiving Edition

In case you missed it, CBMC is chock full of delicious recipes! As we are all getting our holiday menus prepared, I wanted to...
Blake Shanks

Meet the Team : Blake

COASTAL BEND: Hello CBMC ladies, my name is Blake and I am so excited to be joining this amazing network of women and most importantly...
Financial Friday | Weathering Tough Times | New York Life | Coastal Bend Mom Collective

5 Things Every Woman Should Know About Weathering Tough Times

We have partnered with the experts over at New York Life – South Texas, to provide Coastal Bend families with information and resources on...
Guide to Coastal Bend Communities | Coastal Bend Mom Collective | KM Premier Real Estate

Protected: A Guide to Coastal Bend Communities

Thank you to KM Premier Real Estate for making the production of this guide possible! “At the beach, life is different. Time doesn’t move hour...
Financial Friday - 5 Things Every Woman Should Know about Investing

5 Things a Woman Should Know About Investing | FINANCIAL FRIDAY

We have partnered with the experts over at New York Life – South Texas, to provide Coastal Bend families with information and resources on...
Image of a teenaged boy, wearing a dark pink t-shirt, laying in a dentists chair with white sunglasses on. A dentist is installing brackets for braces on his teeth. Title reads: Too many teeth, not enough space: Time for Braces | Kennedy Dental & Coastal Bend Mom Collective

Too many teeth & not enough space : Time for Braces

For most families, losing teeth is a fun rite of passage. We celebrate this milestone with celebrations and toothless pictures, followed by the magic...

Join our Team! {Open Call for Coastal Bend Mom Collective Contributors}

Are you one of the next Coastal Bend Mom Collective contributors? Do you love writing and enjoy sharing your story with other moms? The CBMC writing team...
Financial Friday : Why you need a Will | Coastal Bend Mom Collective

5 Reasons you need a will…Now. | FINANCIAL FRIDAY

In our first Financial Friday installment, 5 Reasons Young Families Need Life Insurance, I shared my personal story on how I learned this the...

5 Tips for a Taking Kids to the Beach

My family love, love, LOVES the beach. HOWEVER, we do NOT like crowds. Our favorite way to spend a day or weekend at the...
Bark Check IN

Why (how!) I monitor my teenager’s phone.

Let's talk for a minute about kids and devices. REAL LIFE POST: Back in September, my oldest son turned 14. He desperately wanted a smart phone....