Is It Over Yet? {I Miss My Friends}
When I was a child, I wanted to grow up and be a lawyer or a politician. I thought debate was fun. I liked...
Honoring the Child You Lost
October 15th marks Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. October is also set aside to bring awareness.
Sadly, twenty five percent of pregnancies do not...
Introducing Corpus Christi Area Neighborhood Mom Groups!
Join Our Corpus Christi Area Neighborhood Groups for Mommy Meet Ups, Playdates, and More!
Corpus Christi Moms Blog was created to do much more than...
Forever Loved
1.5.13 - Hattie Elizabeth Zustiak
6.24.13 - Emerson Daniel Zustiak
June 2011 Baby Mahan
10.2016 - Baby Zustiak
If you would like to add your child to this...
How to Eat Safely with Food Allergies in the Coastal Bend
It's difficult eating with food allergies. It's especially difficult eating at restaurants.
Whether you're at a diner, ballgame, or concert, 90% of getting together with...
Quick, Easy {Allergy Friendly} Chocolate Banana Walnut Breakfast Cookies
We are a food allergy family.
My husband and I don't eat gluten. I also stay away from dairy and soy. My 18 month old...
Learning to Love My Mombod {It Isn’t So Simple}
I started this post a year ago. I was struggling to find my place in motherhood. I was unsure how to feel like myself again.
Keep Up With Corpus Christi Moms Blog on Facebook!
Silly Facebook is at it again! They've created new algorithms to decide what you want to see.
We understand. They want to keep you happy. But...
14 Problems Only Corpus Christi Kids Have
Kids growing up in Corpus Christi have unique problems. Did you ever stop to think about them?
What #cckidprobs do your kids have?
Idea Guide to Corpus Christi Area Party Rooms
Looking for the best party rooms in and around Corpus Christi? We've done the research and incorporated recommendations from local moms. So, now, whether you're...