
Bethany is a stay-at- home mother of two high-energy daughters, ages 5 and 2. Her husband is a busy ER resident. In addition to the two kids, their family consists of two demanding dogs, two demanding cats, and some laid-back fish. Bethany develops curriculum online during nap time or when the kids (finally) fall asleep for the night. She has a Master’s of Education in Curriculum and Instruction in Children’s Literature. She loves yoga and used to be able to do yoga every day. Now, she tries in vain to get through a couple sun salutations, before the girls laugh and climb all over her.  Bethany has been a vegetarian (sometimes vegan) since 1989, and her kids are being raised vegetarian, too. She has a healthy addiction to lilla rose hair clips and works as a stylist.

How to be a Perfect {Hot} Mess Mom

I think I’m what some would describe as one of those “Hot Mess” Moms.  Case in point: I’m always late.  To my credit, sometimes my kids...
Pumpkin Recipes with a Dash of Mockolate

Pumpkin Recipes with a Dash of Mockolate

I love most things pumpkin.  I blame Starbucks.  I think they started this trend with their lattes for every season.  It was a slippery...