
Bethany is a stay-at- home mother of two high-energy daughters, ages 5 and 2. Her husband is a busy ER resident. In addition to the two kids, their family consists of two demanding dogs, two demanding cats, and some laid-back fish. Bethany develops curriculum online during nap time or when the kids (finally) fall asleep for the night. She has a Master’s of Education in Curriculum and Instruction in Children’s Literature. She loves yoga and used to be able to do yoga every day. Now, she tries in vain to get through a couple sun salutations, before the girls laugh and climb all over her.  Bethany has been a vegetarian (sometimes vegan) since 1989, and her kids are being raised vegetarian, too. She has a healthy addiction to lilla rose hair clips and works as a stylist.

The Dogpocalypse is Coming!!!

Yea, it's almost the Fourth of July…again.  Woo!  Except that it's not so WOO for my pups.  For them, it's the Apocalypse.  It's bombs...

Still Nursing After All These Years

Well, here we are, nursing.  Still. I have either been pregnant or breast-feeding someone for the past 7 years.  I have two kids.  I stopped...
Vegetable Adventure - Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Vegetable Adventure

My mom makes my kids "meals" when we visit.  My eldest thinks these are the best!  "No one makes meals like Granny," she says.  This...
How Not to Camp on the Beach- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

How Not to Camp on the Beach

You know what sounds romantic and fun?  Camping on the Beach.   Sleeping in a tent on the sand, in theory, sounds comfy and worry-free.  So,...
popcorn- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Movie Magic for the Whole Family

What makes a movie enjoyable for both kids and parents? I think it comes down to the music.  Because, really, the 17th time you...

Easy St. Patrick’s Day Oreos

St. Patrick's Day is a pretty great holiday.  Everyone wears a bit of green to avoid getting pinched. Adults celebrate in various ways (beer...

The Trouble with Sacrificing Sleep

The other day, I got to take a nap.  (Cue the angels singing!)  This is not a casual occurrence.  It's rare.  It's winning the...
King Cake- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Beads by the Ocean {Celebrate Mardi Gras South Texas Style!}

I love Mardi Gras.  I love New Orleans.  To this day, I have never been to Mardi Gras in New Orleans.   Honestly, it looks...
Holiday Books Your Family will Love- Snow- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Winter Reading Ideas You’ll Love

Every winter, I like to snuggle under a blanket with a book and the quiet of night.  I love to read holiday-themed books for...
The Unrecipe Post- Elf Munch Recipe- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

The Unrecipe Post

This started out as a post on holiday recipes.  Yea, holiday food!  Only, it isn’t working itself out to be that.  I think it’s...