Surviving a Road Trip with Young Children
I recently took a seven plus hour road trip from Corpus Christi to Dallas… with four kids… six years old and under. Let me...
Potty Training Techniques: Sometimes You’re Just Winging It
"Yay! Potty training is so much fun!" said no mom ever.
Unfortunately, there's no way around it. Right now, I am in the midst of...
Corpus Christi Vacation Bible Schools {2017}
Hey Moms! Summer is coming! Maybe in your house, your kids are already out of school! For you, that may be a good or...
The Myth of Finding Balance
Balance… I’ve been asked about how I balance it all.
I asked myself for over a year how I can balance it all. I have four...
Thank You: Moms with Littles
This one is for you, moms. The mom with littles who are too young to know they should thank you for wiping their butts...
Reduce. Reuse. Recycle: A Tribute to Earth Day
“Reduce, reuse, recycle!” I’m sure we’ve all heard it. We probably even sang a little tune to the phrase in elementary school. Unfortunately, it’s...
Spring Produce: Eat in Season
Many times we get stuck in the same habits. We frequent the same coffee shop, wake up at a certain time, and tend to...
Keep Your Sanity: Summer Activities for Your Kids
Spring Break just ended, and it made me think of one thing: What the heck am I gonna do with these kids in the...
Gardening Tops My Spring Bucket List
Spring is such a lovely time of year, especially in South Texas. I was thinking the other day about my Spring Bucket List, and...
My Unenviable Dumpster Diving Adventure
I dove in the dumpster today. It was not how I was planning on beginning my day. I was planning to begin my day...