As memories of lock down, vaccine shortages, and toilet paper wars fade away the planning for weddings, showers, and familial reunions begins. But, there is still a bad taste in my mouth regarding being around people.
I’m not sure if it is due to the fact that I was pregnant during the height of the pandemic and I basically stayed in my house for the better part of 2020, but the thought of being around people still gave me a sense of anxiety. This was the original reason why I was vaccinated in early 2021 and why I began wondering if I was going to need a booster dose of the vaccine as my six month mark of my first dose was approaching, then of course the year mark.
When it was announced booster doses were recommended six months after receiving the second dose for those who were immunocompromised I made an appointment at CVS to receive mine. I made the appointment online for the next evening, went into the location, and the pharmacist administered the dose. I was in and out within 15 minutes.
While the vaccine, wearing a mask, and getting a booster dose is controversial, protecting my family and ensuring we are able to attend family celebrations is not. My husband and I made the decision that if we, including our son, were going to be involved in weddings, birthdays, and other celebrations that we were going to do everything we could to ensure our wellbeing.