As a soon to be mom, we often times get so caught up in the joys of pregnancy or celebrating a friend’s pregnancy that we forget to ask or share postpartum vaginal care advice. After having my 3 children {two vaginal births and one c section} I want to share my top postpartum bathroom vaginal care essentials. It is not a pleasant thing to think about or talk about it, but these items are a must!
Save your sore bottom! Save yourself from tears! Save your husband several trips to the store!
I’m telling you, just create the basket so when you arrive home, you won’t have to worry about anything because you are fully stocked and ready to take on motherhood one bathroom trip at a time!
Oh Yes! The Perineal Irrigation Bottle. My favorite! After pushing out a baby, your nether regions get swollen and are very tender. Sometimes people tear or have an episiotomy which can make going pee painful! Urine is very acidic! Ouch! Take it from me, I didn’t tear or have an episiotomy and when I pee’d for the first time in the hospital after having baby #1, I fainted! Thank God I had two nurses in the restroom with me! So take my advice and fill your peri bottle with lukewarm water and squeeze the water out down there as you free the pee. The water takes away the sting of the acidic urine! {The hospital provided my peri bottle. Don’t forget to take it home!}
Dermablast is an anesthetic no touch pain relieving spray containing aloe, lanolin, and pain reliever that you can spray down below. It relieves the pain and delivers a cooling effect. It also aids in the healing process. There is nothing better than a little pain relief before going to sit down on the rocking chair for a long nursing session to make you feel a little more comfortable!
After pushing out your little bundle, you will have a duration of bleeding. Personally, I would bleed heavily at the beginning. At that point, I started with the maximum leakage maxi pads. They are huge but very absorbent! Then the blood flow would taper, so I could move to a medium pad then finally a light pad. {The hospital will provide pads!}
Hemorrhoids are not something every person gets during pregnancy or during delivery. I was hemorrhoid free with baby #1 and #3, but I did have one with #2. Never the less, hemorrhoids or not, HEED THIS ADVICE! Line your pad with the tucks pads! It delivers an immediate cooling to your swollen vagina and relieves the irritation and burning with witch hazel. {Try it! You won’t regret it!}
Vaginal ice packs were given to me at the hospital. You put it in your undies and it helps reduce the swelling. {I don’t think I need to say more, but I want to hit it home that you will be swollen and your vagina will hurt!}
I know we all want to think that we will push out our first baby and automatically look like Giselle, but for most of us we still look a few months pregnant. So hang on to your maternity panties or order some cheap granny panties! Do not pack your sexy before baby panties expecting to fit into them! The granny panties are needed to fit the maxi pads, tucks pads, and vaginal ice packs. I leaked out of my pads a few times and ruined a few pairs! {The hospital will give you amazing mesh undies! I suggest asking for a few extra to take home!}
Stool Softener and Pain Reliever
Stool softener and pain reliever are not to be kept in your bathroom postpartum basket but since it has relation to the bathroom, I will add this as an important reminder! Your first bowl movement can be pretty painful. The hospital will start you on a stool softener and pain reliever. The stool softener will soften your first bm, taking away the strain. The pain reliever will help reduce vaginal swelling and take the edge off.
I hope my top products for your postpartum basket help you in your recovery! The joys of having a baby are immense!
So helpful Amy! Thanks for writing about this important, but often-overlooked topic! I wish I’d had some of these tips before I had my babies. We talk so much about other aspects of pregnancy but this is usually forgotten!
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