Spring is here, which means digging in the dirt, pulling weeds and getting your garden and yard back in shape.
Part of that process may include the use of fertilizer. But before you spend money and time throwing any old stuff on the ground, get your soil tested to find out what treatment is best for your lawn and plants. Right now, The City of Corpus Christi, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program are offering free soil sample kits at various locations across Corpus Christi and Robstown.
That’s right, absolutely free!
How does it work?
Pick up a sample kit, scoop up soil and place sample in the provided bag. Return the kit to one of the drop-off locations. You will get an email with test results listing what elements – things like nitrogen, phosphorus, etc. – are present in your dirt, along with recommendations for soil treatment.
This information will help you choose a fertilizer that will benefit your grass and plants the most. Not only will you save money and time, using appropriate fertilizer will help keep unnecessary elements out of the soil, water, bays, etc.
Sample pick-up and drop-off locations are listed below. Test your soil for free and have fun playing in the dirt, while at the same time protecting our environment. Win-win!