I know it’s hard to believe. But summer has gone in the blink of an eye. It’s time again for school to start up again.

Coming from the perspective of a former teacher, I thought I would share what we teachers would love for students to do and have before that first day starts back up and all of the craziness hits.
You need school supplies!
I know, CRAZY right? Who needs school supplies for the first week of school? Don’t we just play get to know you games and learn what we will be doing all year the first week? Sorry, that is a thing of the distant past and with all of the new state standards and all of the pressures coming from the top down, we get going day one.
That’s not to say that each teacher doesn’t have their own “lists” they may ask you to get. But it would majorly be in your students benefit to have pens and pencils, a binder with dividers, folders for each class, and without a doubt, some kind of planner. Most schools (middle and high school) will sell these at the school with some cool information inside of it!
Set aside a day of the week to go and get all of those needed supplies from all of your students teachers, you will need it!
Start Getting Back into “Routine” Prior to the Day Before School Starts
We all want to soak up summer for all of its worth, being more laid back, no strict bedtime, eating out more often, going to the beach… but our bodies need time to adjust to being back in school and the routine that comes with it. Gosh I can NOT tell you how many kids fell asleep that first day of school and how frustrating that was when you are trying to tell them 10,000 things!
Send Money or Lunch or Put Money into the “Account.” Or all of the above.
So many kiddos were STARVING that first week of school because they could not just go to the fridge and get a snack like they were used to all summer. Their bodies didn’t know what was going on! Do not catch the wrath of a “starving” 7th grader.
If Your Kiddo is an 6th Grader or 9th Grader, GO TO the “Camps.”
Those poor first year middle and high schoolers are SO scared, lost, nervous, sick to their stomachs, and anxious about how their world is being turned upside down. The camps that each school puts on are so helpful in getting school shirts, touring the school, finding your classrooms, getting that precious planner, meeting new kids and all together feeling more comfortable. Really try and make this a priority if you fall into this boat.
Lastly, Encourage Your Kids and Stay On Top of Them from the Get Go
School is hard, teachers give a lot of work and expect a lot out of them. Thats not to mention the sports, club sports, drama, and all around the pains of growing up. Kids need their parents to be there and encourage them along the way and to help them with their homework and listen when they need to talk. Be in touch with your kids teachers, know them, it pays off. Cut your kids a break but also make sure they know what you except and encourage them along the way to get there.
I don’t have school aged children, but I shared this with some mom friends who do. Thank you!
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