Thanksgiving On The Beach
Many years ago we found ourselves not traveling “home” for Thanksgiving. The days off from Grad school just weren’t enough to justify the expensive plane tickets home. So we stayed. We stayed home, just the three of us (then) and decided to create our own Thanksgiving traditions.
We decided that if we couldn’t be “home” with “family” for the Holiday we should do WHATEVER we wanted. And we realized that what we really wanted to do was something very un “Idahoan” (which is where are from) and embrace this new place we call home.
So we traded in the mountains and the snow for the beach, and new Thanksgiving memories.
We have now celebrated many Thanksgiving days at the beach. We have a yummy dinner often with friends and then we head to the beach for a fire, pie, and hot coco. I have come to look forward to this just as much as I looked forward to gathering with my cousins at my grandmas as a kid. Sometimes it’s warm enough to swim and play. Sometimes we are just as bundled up as we would be in Idaho. But always we are extremely happy.
Starting this new Thanksgiving tradition relieved so much home sickness for us. Creating something new to look forward to didn’t “replace” all those memories we grew up with as kids, but it did launch us in to the confidence we needed to start our own traditions. Which was exactly what we needed.
For a few more Thanksgiving tradition ideas check out this fun post!