A New Year, A BETTER You!



Happy New Year!

2019?!? How crazy is that? Aren’t we supposed to be getting around “Jetsons” style by now?!

With the beginning of a new year, comes the talk of new year’s resolutions. Do you partake? Do you set goals, big or small, to work towards in the new year?

Over the past several years, I have tried to take a different approach to resolutions. You often hear, “new year, new me”. However, that seems like a whole lot of pressure. How about just a better version of yourself?

Not just every year, but (almost) every day,

I strive to just. be. better.

A better wife, mom, friend, daughter, sister, aunt, HUMAN…just overall better. And I don’t mean better than someone else…just a better version of who I was the day before. There is always room for improvement in everything. I strive to be more patient with my family. Some days, Lots of days, I fail. However, I try not to beat myself up. Instead, I tell myself: Tomorrow, I will try and be better.

We should never stop striving to be just be better in ALL areas of our lives. This world would be a much better place if everyone just tried to be better, kinder, more empathetic, more willing to listen…I could seriously go on and on…..My point is JUST TRY AND BE BETTER…better than yesterday, but not as good as tomorrow.

Somedays, you will fall short.

Try again.

Keep trying.

So, keep getting better, people!

Also. Drink better wine…

Something I can totally get behind! 😉
