Corpus Christi Moms Blog is growing fast! But we are grateful and thankful for so much, including the opportunity to add SIX new moms to our writing team!

Photos by Cat Herndon Photography
The Coastal Bend is packed with amazing moms. And as Corpus Christi Moms Blog grows, we continue to find more and more local women whose backgrounds and interests are diverse and whose stories and perspectives are unique. However, despite our differences, we have much in common. We are local local moms who are bound by passion for our communities and this blessing that is motherhood.
That said, we hope you enjoy getting to know and hear from the following amazing local moms who are adding their voices to our writing team. We are so excited to have them involved!

Allison married her husband, Aaron, 6 years ago. She is a stay at home mom to two minions… or, children. Chevy {4} and Avaleigh {2}. The family is just started their homeschooling adventure. They love to learn everyday! Allison enjoys time with her husband and kids. She prefers to do things as a family, and this leads to not so much Mommy Time. It isn’t always easy, but everything is a learning opportunity that they can’t miss out on! Allison has breastfed for 4 years straight between her two littles, co-sleeps, and has even cloth diapered part time. Her favorite stress reliever is being on the beach surf fishing with her family.
Some of her favorites: Jesus, reading, video games, watching Netflix (oh yes, cartoons on repeat also!), surf fishing, working on cars with her husband, DIY projects, and watching her kiddos learn new stuff for the first time.
Some of her not-so-favorites: Cooking, Cleaning, and the housewife part of being a SAHM… Haha…

Bethany is a stay-at- home mother of two high-energy daughters, ages 5 and 2. Her husband is a busy ER resident. The couple has been married since 2009. In addition to the two kids, their family consists of two demanding dogs, two demanding cats, and some laid-back fish. Bethany develops curriculum online during nap time or when the kids (finally) fall asleep for the night. Her five-year old just started kindergarten, and has a love-hate relationship with school. Bethany has a Master’s of Education in Curriculum and Instruction in Children’s Literature. Before kids, she taught middle and high school English. She loves yoga and used to be able to do yoga every day. Now, she tries in vain to get through a couple sun salutations, before the girls laugh and climb all over her. Bethany has been a vegetarian (sometimes vegan) since 1989, and her kids are being raised vegetarian, too. She has a healthy addiction to lilla rose hair clips and works as a stylist.

Caitlin is mommy to three boys (angel baby Ian, two-year old Dougie, and newborn Charlie), wife to David, and fur-mom to a lazy mutt and a loud cat. She graduated from University of Portland in 2007 with a BA in English and eventually found soul-rewarding employment at a Louisiana parish library. Her family moved to Corpus Christi in 2014 and enjoys the local museums, parks, libraries, and beaches. Currently a SAHM, her future plans include earning a Master’s in Library and Information Science or a Pilates certification…or both. You can follow her story on her blog, Our Own Little Folktale.

Christin is a native of Corpus Christi and has two amazing kiddos; a son {2003} and daughter {2013}. She is passionate about life and works full-time as a Professor. She is nicknamed {Wanda} by her daughter {Ralphie} who is obsessed with the show The Magic School Bus; brother is {Carlos}. Christin enjoys cooking, working out, shopping at Home Goods, and playing in the backyard with her kids and two cats. She is excited to share her thoughts and life experiences on Corpus Christi Moms Blog.

Claudia is excited to take on this amazing adventure and share a sneak peak in her life with you! Claudia is mother to three beautiful, brave, and courageous little girls who really and truly make her life go ‘round. When she’s not with her family, Claudia is a Librarian with a deep passion for books and art. She is a Disney dreamer, DIY maker and a Target go-er! She shares her life with her husband to be who supports all her dreams and makes sure that life is what it is made to be.

Stacie is addicted to many things… deep dark chocolate, herbal tea, freezing time with the click of the camera, and snuggling up with a child on her lap and a good story. Mostly, though, she is addicted to journaling. Putting down thoughtful words with beautiful pictures makes her chaotic world make sense. Stacie spends her days keeping house for her hardworking husband and homeschooling their four eager little learners, ages 3 to 9. She spends her nights dreaming of ways to make her home a refuge of well-intentioned thoughts and actions. You can follow her journey at Standing Over Running Water.