The time has come (and many of you Mamas have eagerly awaited!) to send those kiddos back to school.
We are all too happy … until we figure out all the planning and organization that goes into actually getting them to the school. Ugh.
So how can you make it easier? Here are a few tips from a teacher and a mama!
Set out the kids clothes for the week:
If you have younger munchkins, then picking out an outfit that doesn’t look homeless can sometimes become an ordeal. Get a hanging closet organizer like this one on Amazon and label each shelf Monday – Friday laying out each day’s outfit. You can even let your little one pick out their outfits if they are a fashionista.
Make a homework station:
The kids come home and it’s a race to the finish line. Homework. Chores. Dinner. Playtime. Bath. Bedtime. As an adult, I sit down to do homework and I forget a pencil or a highlighter or a post-it and it seems like most of the time it is just me searching for the supplies I need instead of actually working. Just think how many excuses a kiddo is going to use to NOT do homework… a whole evenings worth of excuses. So make a caddy with everything they could possibly need in order to get that homework done and over with. This caddy is $1 at Dollar Tree and you can make one personalized for each child. Better yet, let your child decorate and fill their own so they have some ownership and fun surrounding homework time. Fill it with things like highlighters, pens, pencils, note cards, post-its, markers, crayons, scissors, whatever you feel might be useful. Pro-tip: Leave an encouraging note in there each day for your student to find.
Get those teachers a little welcoming basket:
As a teacher, I know how much money, time, and effort is spent on their classrooms to make it perfect for welcoming their students on the first day of school. Just remember how much you are looking forward to getting rid of your kids, your teachers are looking forward to welcoming them. If you need a little encouragement: check out this video.
Keep an updated Calendar:
Keep a dry erase calendar where everyone in the household can see it and give each individual a different color. Here is the kicker… KEEP IT UP-TO-DATE. I know it may seem like a hassle, but it will make your life easier in the long run. If you are more of an electronic mama then keep a google calendar and send an invite to anyone that helps wrangle the children. My wife and I share a google calendar that has everything in it and it is so nice to be able to know what work events the other one has planned and even all the information needed for that event in the notes. As a teacher, I also keep a dry erase calendar above my desk that I keep work events, to-dos, and personal appointments on just to make sure nothing is missed.
Establish a routine:
As a new mom, I have figured out that this is possibly the most crucial step to making my life easier and also making life more predictable for your kiddos. By establishing a routine they don’t need to ask what time is dinner or if they can play before homework because every night is the same routine and process.
Beat the crowd and Amazon Prime it!
I am not an affiliate but let me just say, Amazon Prime is where it is at. Not only is it probably cheaper it also beats having to get out of the AC in this Texas heat let alone take the little hoodlums out too. Nuff said.