Fall Traditions For the Whole Family


Fall is easily may favorite season. When sweater weather is finally here and you can make a trip around the block without collapsing from the Texas Heat. The reason it is my favorite season though is the traditions we have as a family during this season. 

Bumpkin Plate

The first tradition we have as a family is probably the most controversial, but most of our friends have hopped on the bandwagon so it can’t be that bad right? First let me supply you with a definition. 

Bumpkin Plate: A plate that is painted with a naked butt to look like a pumpkin.

First Annual Bumpkin Painting (5 months)
Second Annual Bumpkin Painting (1 year, 5 months)
Third Annual Bumpkin Painting (2 years, 5 months)

The fourth annual (this Fall), Amelia will be 3 years 5 months old and I think we still have a few more years before she refuses. 

What you need: 

  • Ceramic Plate
  • Acrylic Paint 
  • Glass Marker
  • Naked Butt (preferably a toddler, but if you as an adult want to do this tradition buy yourself a platter and join in on the fun!)

Paint the butt, press the plate to the butt, label with a glass marker and paint the pumpkin stem, let dry, place in the oven and preheat to 350 (the glass needs to preheat with the oven so it doesn’t crack). After 30 minutes let the oven cool with the plate and then remove once cool. Viola you have a bumpkin plate!

Rockin’ K Farms

A coastal bend treasure that is so much fun for the whole family. The corn maze is probably my favorite part, it is completely stroller friendly and you get to pick how difficult your pathway is to navigate. From apple cannons, mini train rides, great food and drinks, awesome photo ops, and even a breastfeeding room it really is a great tradition once the weather cools off. They are open from September 24-November 4 this year. Check out there website for more information.


You’ve Been Booed

For those unfamiliar with this activity. You gather some goodies in a bag or a basket and you secretly deliver to someone with instructions.  

Although more of a Halloween thing, this is something that I feel can add a little joy all year long. I have always “boo”ed fellow teachers at school with little participation. However, this year my neighborhood started it and it was wonderful to see all the goodies people included and to have the thrill of dropping and dashing on a neighbors doorstep. You can use the printable below to add into your own Boo bag!

Looking for more Fall Fun and Halloween Ideas? We’ve got LOADS! Here are a few of our faves from the archives:
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Madison O
Madison is a Texas A&M Graduate who is beginning her 6th year as a Technical Theatre teacher and 3rd year at Gregory-Portland High School. She and her wife moved to the coastal bend to be closer to family as they began the fertility process to grow their family. Madison and her wife were thrilled to welcome their daughter, Amelia, to the family in May via Reciprocal IVF. Madison has also begun working toward her Masters degree in Educational Administration at TAMUCC (gotta keep it in the Aggie family!) Talk about one busy mama! Madison enjoys time outside and has always loved to write for her own personal blog in her free time. She is so excited to start this new adventure of motherhood and to be joining the wonderful community of Corpus Christi Moms on the blog!