YOU GUYS: This kid is eating me out of house and home!
Today it was four hot dogs with chips just an hour after eating a bowl of noodles and 2 hours after eating pancakes and bacon.
Yesterday it was 2 grilled cheese sandwiches plus fruit and chips just a few hours after an entire large honeydew melon. {OK, I might be exaggerating a bit..e left me a couple of slices!}
A few days ago it was 5 tacos and last week, an entire Little Caesar’s pizza followed by a bowl of ice cream.
(One of his favorites! Bacon Mac n Cheese from Corner Bakery Cafe!)
You guys.
He is 8.
He is ALWAYS hungry.
No matter when or what he eats, before I sit down, he is hungry again.
How is this even possible????
I thought this whole eating you out of house and home business was supposed to start later…like heading toward the teen years?
But he is 8.
He can fit an entire large pizza in his small stomach.
Do people really put locks on their pantry because I’m kinda thinking about it. Of course that would mean that I would have to get up and find the key so maybe I won’t do that, haha!
Whoever said girls are more expensive than boys? HA!
My money doesn’t go to clothing stores, it goes to HEB!
Can someone please tell me when this will slow down!!??
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