Halloween time already? Where did this year go? Never mind, don’t answer that. For kids, the last day of October is all about candy, costumes, candy, spooky stuff, candy, candy and candy. If you choose to go the traditional route of door-to-door trick or treating, good for you, mama! However, if you want some alternative Halloween ideas, check out these five low-risk plans that ensure the kids will be happy.
Halloween Pod
Get together with a small group of families that have been following the same COVID-19 precautions as your family for some fun. At the first house, have the kids carve pumpkins and create costumes with materials and dress-up clothes. Dole out lots of candy. At the second house, have the kids switch to their store-bought costumes and have a dance party, again with lots of candy. At the last house, have a spooky scavenger hunt with all the prizes being, you guessed it, candy. Kids get to move around, wear costumes and take home a sack full of treats.
Mobile Trunk or Treat
Kids can stand on the sidewalk in full costume while adults don their wigs, masks and face paint. Decorated cars drive-by blasting scary music while handing out lots of candy. Adults ooo and ah over how cute the kids look and kids can jump up and down, wave and be silly.
Scary Movie Night
Now is the perfect time to introduce older kids to the joys of the 80s scream films. A Nightmare on Elm Street, Poltergeist, Friday the 13th, Gremlins. If you’re more of a 90s film fan, Scream, Silence of the Lambs and The Blair Witch Project come to mind. Set up a backyard movie night for extra spookiness. Check commonsensemedia.org to see what the scary elements of a film are, so you have a better idea if your kid is ready for Freddy Krueger.
Glowing Candy Hunt
Get a bunch of glow-in-the-dark plastic eggs, fill with candy, and turn the munchkins lose in the yard. Purchase eggs and other glow items here.
Backyard Camping
Set up a haunted tent with cobwebs, creepy cutouts, scary sound effects and see if the kids are brave enough to enter. Later, hitting a pinata filled with candy will get some energy out. If you have a fire pit, toast up some s’mores or make a no-fire-needed version.
Start planning now and your alternative Halloween will be spooky and fun, no trick-or-treating needed. Whatever you decide to do with your family, stay safe and be kind!