If Appliances Could Talk….What Would They Say?


We parents have a million things on our to do list. Everyday it is something else. We go around our home doing what needs to be done. We use everyday items that we probably take for granted. I’m thankful for whoever invented things like the washer and dryer. If my appliances could talk I bet they would have a lot to say. I mean they are there everyday so I bet they would have an opinion or two.

The Washer

My washer has probably seen an infinite number of loads of laundry. It might tell you:

“She opens me up, fills me with sweaty, stinky, stained clothes. Mumbling to herself. The hundreds of things she still needs to do. Sometimes she is stressed and even forgets to turn me on.”

Image of a washing machine and a dryer. Hanging above the washing machine are several t-shirts hanging from hangers. Sitting on top of the dryer are two boxes of dryer sheets and a bag of washing machine detergent pods.

The Dryer

The dryer I bet would be nicer. “Ah… fresh clean, wet clothes to spin around. Oh, no someone didn’t empty their pockets! Let’s make it fun and lose a sock. These clothes are nice and dry, but I see her yawning. She is leaving these clothes here until morning.”

The Coffee Maker 

Image of a red Keurig coffee maker.

Another appliance watching me, the coffee maker. Oh, I bet it has some choice words for me.

“She stumbles to me in the morning first thing… sometimes with eyeliner smeared on her face (she forgot to wash it off) last night. Begs me to hurry, but I never do. Her brain barely functioning, oh she is in a mood. Only after the caffeine hits is she all smiles. Peace and quiet while she sips her cup.”

If these appliances could talk.

They would see the me no one else gets to see. Tired, moody, stressed and barely functioning.

But thank goodness for my modern day appliances. Without them I would be lost. Just think how much we take them for granted. We owe them a huge thank you!

Which appliance in your home is sacred and treasured? Which one do you think would have something to say about you?

If appliances could talk

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Jessica Davila
Jessica has lived in Corpus Christi almost all her life and loves it. Together with her husband Roy they are raising their beautiful , almost 6 year old daughter, Angelina. Being a stay at home mom has taught her a lot and she treasures each moment of motherhood. Jessica is quiet in person, but give her a pen and paper and she will write a novel. She loves reading, writing, watching movies and listening to music. She is a die hard Dallas Cowboys fan and loves anything chocolate. She is very excited to begin her blogging adventure, and getting to know the CCMB community of mommas.