{Please read this post with a little bit of humor. Happy Holidays.}
Before I start this post let me just say that my husband is not a Grinch. He is amazing and wonderful, and he works hard to provide for his family. But sometimes… well sometimes not every couple agrees on how to do things. They aren’t interested in the same things all the time.
When my husband and I got together I thought I might be the odd ball. I’m not outdoorsy or super social, I prefer to stay in and socialize with my small circle of friends. My husband is very social and has “a million” friends he likes to be doing things ALL the time. For some reason though when the holidays come around a switch flips and I can’t wait do things. Him not so much.
I absolutely love the holidays. I adore all the fun and excitement that comes with it. I enjoy dressing up for Halloween, driving around looking at Christmas lights, and having cascarones cracked on my head at Easter. He does not. Not that he wants to skip the holidays or anything he just doesn’t want to participate in the activities. He doesn’t understand my joy in decorating a Christmas tree or why I love gift wrapping. It never bothered me much until we had our daughter. Now, I want her to experience all the joy of the holidays. I obviously can’t force him to do holiday things with us, so every year I try to persuade him.

I think I’m wearing him down. Ha-ha.
I’ve tried guilting him. “We aren’t going to live forever honey and we aren’t getting any younger. You never know when it’s your time to go.”
I’ve used my daughter. He has a hard time telling our daughter no.
Negotiating. I have tried to negotiate. If he does a holiday activity with us, I do something with him that he enjoys.
Nagging. Good old-fashioned nagging. I complain until he can’t take it anymore.
So, how do we end up? Well in my head I politely ask him to do these things with me and he agrees. But, in reality I know that sometimes couples don’t always enjoy the same things, and that’s okay. In fact, sometimes my husband does indeed surprise me by doing some of these things with me and it’s one of the reasons I love him. Sometimes marriage takes compromise and we won’t always agree on everything. So if your husband doesn’t enjoy the holidays as much as you don’t take it personally or you can twist his arm until he finally gives in. Ha-ha.
For all the times my husband grudgingly agrees to participate, thank you.