Here it is! November and Thanksgiving! A special time we all like to give thanks! For many, this month is a beloved holiday and the reminder to give thanks moves to the forefront of our thoughts. It is, by far, my favorite holiday. Furthermore, this is the time of year when we truly reflect on what we are thankful for. The older I get though, the more I am able to actually feel thankfulness in my heart every single day.
In my younger years, I lived my days more with the mindset of trying to get through the day all in one piece. More specifically, at least knowing all my children were still all in one piece. Life was definitely more chaotic when I was a working mom of plenty. It wasn’t easy in the chaos to remember to be thankful.
Seems like these days there is something humbling about spying each new section of grey hair shining back from the mirror and acknowledging the unexpected addition of a new laugh line. And, suddenly noticing my hands don’t look as young as they used to. Consequently, things like these are what lead one to ponder life in general. For me, it doesn’t take the one meal a year with turkey and dressing and a gathering around our table to be thankful. I’m thankful for each and every day that I am allowed to remain on this earth. I am thankful for the pesky grey hairs and each new wrinkle. They are the marks of having lived my life, complete with struggles and blessings.
Give Thanks
On a daily basis, I find myself feeling extremely thankful for the biggest blessing in my life, the man I have beside me. There isn’t a day that passes that there isn’t something he says or does that makes me so very glad he’s my soul-mate. As a result, he keeps me in-check in those moments when being thankful is far from my mind. He has a special way of drawing me back in and letting me know, no matter what, it’s all going to be ok.
I am so thankful for the children I raised who are now raising their own children. As I hear about each new endeavor in their lives, I’m beyond proud and quite thankful I get to witness it all taking place. They continue to surprise me with the fruits of their labor and the lives they lead. Watching them raise their children is one of my ultimate treasures in life. How can one not be thankful for that opportunity, each and every day?
It would take me hours to sit here and list all the things I’m thankful for. Our jobs, our home, our families, our church family, the ability to homeschool, and for moisturizer and mascara. Hey, sometimes it’s the little things.