5 Punny {Corpus Christi inspired} Valentine Cards


I love a good pun, dad joke, or corny statement…and I think being able to laugh at yourself and not take things so seriously is an important personality trait to have.

A friend (and formal Coastal Bend resident!) owns A Couple Puns and every year she comes up with the cutest ideas. This year I thought I’d honor her with an homage to the Coastal Bend via a few punny Valentine cards.

Card - background is watercolor light blue with white clouds, at the forefront are ocean waves in a blue and teal color. Text reads "You're the Ocean to my Drive"
  Printable Punny Valentine Card : Reads Whatababe

Punny Valentine Card - reads "You make home feel like HEB - with you here, everything is better."

Punny Valentine Conversation Hearts - Coastal Bend and Corpus Christi inspiredPunny valentine card - image of a large pot hole in the road, filled with water. Card reads "Not to be dramatic, but I'd drive over a pothole for you."


Happy Valentine’s Day!