Passover Traditions for Kids!
Editor’s Note: Passover for 2019 is observed April 19-April 27, 2019!
The hubs and I grew up with vastly different religious backgrounds and traditions, and we have embraced all of them as new pieces of what we introduce to our kids as they grow up. We both identify and practice the Jewish faith (as do the monsters.) One of our favorite parts of our holiday times is sharing these stories and traditions with other friends and family who practice and hold different beliefs.
The Perfect Passover (?!)
I have written and re-written this post about 75 million times, trying to make the perfect post – about the perfect Passover, but the truth is, our Passover celebrations are far from perfect, and on draft number 76 million it clicked.
Our Passover
Our first Passover in Corpus Christi, we were invited to several different Seders, Jewish services and dinners held during Passover, which speaks volumes about this community and it’s welcoming nature. We were among friends and family and it was a great first Texas Seder.
This year, I plan our hosting our own Seder. The hubs has to work, so this makes going somewhere challenging. With each *event* I do at home, there are a few things that are consistent. First, I always always have big ideas and big plans. Second, they rarely come to fruition. Third, the monsters and the hubs know and love this about my attempts.
A few weeks ago, I got the books out, yes, actual books, that give all the old school tips and tricks to prep for Passover. It’s a big deal. Spring cleaning to the MAX. Out with all things related to leavened, even the crumbs of the bread. We have two monsters and three fur-babies = lots of crumbs!
Next, I begin the scouring of the wonderful internet for the most creative and fun things people have posted that I want to add to our list for the year. Martha Stewart and Buzzfeed gave me my top two for this year:
- Matzah houses – we are DEFINITELY doing this one (probably with our leftover Easter candy!)
- Hot off the Buzzfeed press – 26 Delicious Ways to serve Matzah this Passover – and there is A LOT of chocolate on this list, my kind list!
The monsters do all the prep of the Seder plate and add in lots of sound effects so we know JUST how they feel about each item and it’s meaning! We make 20 trips to the store for that one last ingredient or decoration, and of course, buddy bucks. The rest of the meal is comfort, kid friendly food – my mother-in-law’s brisket (top secret, otherwise I’d totally post it!) matzah ball soup, made right from a box (yep, best laid plans going awry.) We love matzah ball soup and often add them to our chicken soup in the winter months! We round out the meal with a variety of veggies – and my Irish grandmother’s potatoes au gratin. This year – as in years past, the kids pick and make the desert. I’m hoping Passover S’mores is the winner!
When we finally sit down for our dinner – we use our kid friendly haggadah (the story of Passover) and have fun taking turns reading until the story is told and the rituals are complete! The monsters’ last a solid thirty minutes – and are off for fun with cousins and friends.