Microblog: Diabetes Awareness Month


November is known as Diabetes Awareness Month. Most people can connect to this disease in one way or another. From friends, family, and even pets who need to manage their blood sugars and juggle daily injections or other medication.

For me, it’s a daily thought. I have been Type 1 since I was 8 years old. When I was first diagnosed I did not think I would be able to do a lot of things. Travel, live to 15, get married, and even have children. Now, 17 years later, I know I was completely wrong. There is nothing someone with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes can’t do, except have a properly functioning pancreas.

November is a long month for everyone. It can seem even longer and harder for those who struggle with their control and management of diabetes when they see other’s successes.

So, this month hug your diabadass friends and loved ones a little tighter. They need it.