A little while ago I started on a journey to detoxifying our home. It has been a slow process and one of lots of trial an error at that!
{Currently I’m on the hunt for the best dishwasher detergent option – if you have any leads let me know! Especially one that works with Corpus water! I’m having a hard time, y’all!}
I have also been working on detoxifying my beauty and personal products. One that has been challenging is the makeup remover. After trying a few things and having some work better than others I came across the Makeup Eraser!
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I was scrolling Instagram and saw that they were offering to mail out a sample with no credit card information. I did it and a few days later I got my sample.I tried it and I LOVE IT!
You just add some warm water and it not only takes away all the makeup including waterproof mascara but you can also use the other side to exfoliate your face! I am SOLD!
To clean it you add a drop of soap and it washes clean like a dream!
You are not only staying away from possible harsh and toxic chemicals in the makeup removing wipes or solutions but you are also saving money, they say they last between 3 and 5 years!!! On top of all that you are reducing the amount of waste going into the landfills. Also, my face feels so fresh and clean after using it! One side removes makeup and the other side exfoliates! That’s what I call a win-win-win-win!
This little pink square is the free sample that they sent me without having to input any credit card information! After using it for a few weeks I had to get a full-sized when they had a sale for Valentine’s Day and I am, obviously, such a fan!
Have you tried the Makeup Eraser? What about your nontoxic products? Share them with us in the comments. I love to learn and try what other mamas are doing!