I love DIY Valentine ideas and especially ones where kids can get involved. I am looking forward trying out these ideas with my sweet grandbaby, Ava. Even though she is only 2, there are simple and I know we will be creating memories!!
Chocolate Dipped Pretzel Rods
- 1 bag of pretzel rods (16 rods)
- 1 12 ounce package of milk chocolate chips (either in white chocolate or milk chocolate)
- your choice of toppings (sprinkles, chopped nuts, or even coconut flakes)
On a cookie sheet lay out wax paper. Warm up the chocolate in a microwave safe dish. Find a dish easy to dip at least 1/2 of the pretzel rod with chocolate and lay on the cookie sheet. Sprinkle your favorite topping on each pretzel rod before the chocolate dries and place the rod on the cookie sheet. These are easy to make and a great project for your kids to get involved in!
Marshmallow Pops
- 1 bag of large strawberry marshmallows (you can use white or strawberry)
- 1 12 ounce package of milk chocolate chips (either in white chocolate or milk chocolate)
- your choice of toppings (sprinkles of your choice)
- popsicle sticks or bamboo skewers
Push popsicle sticks/skewers into the marshmallow. Warm up the chocolate in a microwave safe dish. Dip the marshmallow in the melted chocolate. Sprinkle with your favorite topping. Let the marshmallow dry by placing them stick down into a coffee cup. Once they are dry, feel free to enjoy. Again, this is a great way to get your kids involved.
Friendship Rocks
- Assorted Rocks
- Red Acrylic paint
- Fine point black permanent marker
- paper plate
Put a small amount of paint on a paper plate. Dip your child’s finger into the paint and let him/her finger paint on the rock! This is a great gift a child’s friend or even a teacher. Or you can even display them in a garden. It’s easy and another way to get your child involved.
Valentine Card/Bag
- 1 apple
- Acrylic paint (your choice of color-red or pink)
- cardstock or construction paper or canvas bag
- paper plate
- fine point permanent marker
Cut the apple in half and cut into a heart shape. Pour out paint on a paper plate and lightly dip the apple in the paint and place it / “stamp” it onto the cardstock/construction paper. You can draw on seeds as well as the stem! Write a sweet message, such as “You are apple of my eye!”