Summer is by far my favorite season of the year.
Usually, my summer is filled with lots of swimming, cookouts, and most of all: extra time relaxing with my kids. However, this summer has been quite different for my family. This year, our summer has been consumed with moving and setting up a new household and yard. This is a step that we have all been really looking forward to but that has eaten up soooo much of our time. Today I looked at the calendar and it hit me like a ton of bricks! I realized that summer is already almost over. Seriously?? How can it be August?! It seems like my kids have only been out of school for days, not months. And yet somehow here we are at “back to school time.” Since this realization, I have started an August bucket list for how I’m going to savor what’s left of sweet summertime.
Here is my list:
- SWIM and let my children swim daily if possible.
- Eat frozen treats, often. Popsicles, smoothies, fro-yo, you name it! If it’s frozen and delicious, we are going to be consuming it this month!
- Spend intentional, individual time with each of my kids, daily if possible.
- Eat outside at least once a week.
- Go to the beach at least once a week!
- Watch a movie as a family.
- Let my kids stay up extra late and snuggle on the couch! (It’s amazing how snuggly kids become when I am allowing them to stay up past their bedtime)
- Take time to discuss our summer as a family. I want to hear my kids’ favorite parts and what they would still like to go do.
Basically, I just really want to savor time with my kids individually and as a family unit. I know as soon as school starts life will get crazy so I really hope to make these last few weeks count.
I hope you have enjoyed your summer. But if you are like me and the end has snuck up on you, I hope you too can find a way to make the most of this last month. Make your own August bucket list! And include whatever ideas excite you and your family. I would love to hear any additional suggestions! Happy August 🙂