Corpus Christi
Hello Mamas!! My name is Daniella or babe or mama. But everyone calls me Daniella. I was born in Ft. Leonard Wood, MO, but raised in Corpus Christi, Texas. Corpus is home for my family and I. My husband is a local business owner to 2 barber shops on the Southside of town. Legends Barbershop and Legacy Barbershop. We love trying new places to eat, drink, and socialize with friends and family. My family was established here and I don’t see myself leaving!!
Being a mom gives me all the empowerment, that I can conquer anything! I was meant to be a mother. When I found out I was pregnant with my first son, I was so scared. I mean I know how the birds and the bees work, but was definitely nervous and questioning myself, if I was going to be a good mother. My husband reassured me that we would be the best of parents that we can be and we will be perfect for him. Here we are, a year and a half later, with such a smart, healthy, loving boy who is all about cars!! He is the best of the both of us, he has my husbands independency and mamas creative side. But we all share the same love for BASEBALL. In a few short coming weeks, we will be adding another boy to our tribe, and I just can’t wait to see the boys relationship and bond!
Postpartum hit me like a ton of bricks. I never thought it could happen to me. Boy was I wrong. I didn’t know how to handle my feelings and emotions. It really took a toll on bonding with my newborn. I needed to find an outlet. I started writing down my experience and started my blog. I knew if I was feeling like I was, surely other women were experiencing the same. Come to find out there were plenty of women who felt the same as I did. I knew this was for me. Finding common ground for moms, new or established moms, sharing the same goal. Loving and caring for your babies no matter the obstacle. Every mother is different and that is ok. We all parent differently and that is ok too. I’m so glad I was able and still able to connect with moms on a level I never knew possible.
So, I am looking forward to continue to be inspired and inspire other mothers in the community, sharing my life and just to enjoy this journey of motherhood. Because, “Aint no hood better than MOTHERHOOD!”
I know you as Dee or Cheetah. We go way back before we had our families. A lot has changed. I am glad to see you are happy and enjoying being a wife and mother. I never wished anything bad for you. I was sorry that you felt you needed to cut ties with me. I hope continue to do well. I enjoy seeing your mom point of view. Have a great day.
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