After we had our first child 5 years ago. We knew we couldn’t stay in our condo on North Padre Island, AKA: “the Island.” Our one bedroom 600 square foot condo was the perfect size for a couple, but not so much for a baby.
Why do little babies require such large equipment?
For the first 6 months while we were looking for a house, our baby lived in our dining room. We managed to fit his crib, bed, and changing table in that small area. (I know some people will say a changing table is unnecessary, but we’ve used it for all four of our kids. I personally love having a changing table… Wow, got off topic!) Not to mention the other items we had: the stroller and car seat, baby swing (those things are a lift saver!) and a cute little whale bath tub. Although, we had no need for a baby monitor being in such close quarters! Needless to say, we were looking for a bigger place that would suit our growing family.
We found a cute yellow house in Flour Bluff. We said good bye to “the Island” and moved OTB (over the bridge.)
Y’all… I LOVE living in Flour Bluff.
It is centrally located to everything!
My husband works on the Island at our church, so we are out there a lot. It was important to us to be close to the Island, but not far from town either. Thank you, Flour Bluff. My sister lives in town so we are also in town quite a bit as well. I do business in town, and hello— Target is in town. Everything is literally 10-15 minutes away!
If I wanted to, I could stay within a 5 mile radius of my home.
There’s an HEB, Wal-Mart, a couple taco stands (because that’s important, y’all. If you don’t think tacos are important, you must not be from Texas), a post office, a few banks, a fire station and police station, a public library, even a gym if I was into that sort of thing… Ha! My point being, there is everything you would “need” in a small little community.
Flour Bluff also has a really good school district. 
It’s crazy to me that I’m old enough to consider this kind of information because it wasn’t too long ago that I was still in school. But now, I really do need to think about this sort of thing. My oldest starts kindergarten this year! I won’t go into all the details about it (because that just makes me feel even older,) but if your kids are in high school, there is an awesome University Prep (UP) program to consider in Flour Bluff. Their mascot could use some help though… It’s a hornet… An insect you swat. But nobody asked me what the mascot should be. Go hornets!