It’s a moment most moms and daughters dream about -- going wedding dress shopping and helping your daughter as she prepares to say “I DO!” to the love of her life.  This recently happened to me - with our...
2021 is going to be a BIG year of FIRSTs and LASTs for me (and my daughter). It’s her senior year and I am seriously NOT ready. I didn’t think I was going to be so emotional but when I took...
I see you. I see you reading news headlines through tear-filled eyes. What's next, for this world, this country, this community? What does this mean for your children and their future? You're anxious, afraid, and angry. And most of all,...
  Social media has told us that we need to have perfect bodies and perfect faces- at whatever cost necessary. Our natural is not enough- we need plumper lips, lashes, breasts, and cheeks (all of 'em). We need fillers and...
By labor, I mean more than just “work”... I mean that type of work that results in a human being. Yep! I’m talking about the process of childbirth. I learned a lot in all those classes provided by the hospital, but...

Dear Me: A Letter to Myself

Recently on a trip to visit my parents, I was talking to my mom about my High School experience. It might have been the first time that I have ever really spoken openly with my mom about how bad...
The majority of my career was spent single. No spouse, no kids, just me, and my day-to-day life as I worked ferociously in my role in tech. As time progressed, as it tends to do, I met my husband,...
As a first time mom, I find myself always getting advice from other moms, whether I want it or not. I am not complaining, because any advice is helpful. However, I do not agree with mom shaming. I have not...
  We have now come to the next part in our journey the transfer of the embryo and the two week wait for a pregnancy test. If you missed Part 1 and Part 2 of our journey be sure to...
I absolutely can. not. believe that my little girl just turned ONE. My mom always told me that as you get older, time really begins to fly, but I would have to say this has been the fastest year yet. Being...

Life In Coastal Bend

Guide to Events in the Coastal Bend

The Coastal Bend is FULL of events and we are so excited to share them with you and encourage you to get out and...
Guide to Fall __ Halloween in the Coastal Bend __ Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Fall In The Coastal Bend 2024