Motherhood didn’t come easy for my mom. After a few complications and fertility drug treatments, she had my older sister in 1984, and was finally able to add three more children to her family in 1986. We just all happened...
It was my thirty-three week checkup. My husband and I had a full day ahead of us. Make and deliver a flower arrangement, go to appointment with midwife, grab something to eat, and take the dog to vet. And...
When I think back to when I was a little girl, I remember how I always had this vision in my head of a husband, kids, our own home, and myself taking care of it all. I always knew...
At Corpus Christi Moms Blog, we love our moms! But we also know how very important dads are too! So now that Mother's Day has passed, let's get ready for Father's Day! Let's spread the word about the great...
5:15 a.m. : How is it already 5:15 a.m.? That 2:00 a.m. feeding is brutal; I can’t wait for this kid to start sleeping through the night.
5:45 a.m. : Fifteen minutes till my alarm goes off.
5:55 a.m. : Five minutes
If you choose to be a stay at home mom, I am sure you have heard this question more than once.
I get it why people ask. I had NO idea just how busy a baby would keep me ALL...
Dear Dad,
In the last few days my mind has done some puddle-jumping from one memory to another. Father's Day is here again and I've been thinking about the many different things that made you the perfect dad for me. I know I am...
The struggle is real moms. At least it is for me. It is a constant battle I fight in my head.
The ultimate goal or answer to this internal battle is to be the best mom I can be, but...
Father's Day holds a special place in my heart because I sometimes feel like dads don't get enough recognition as moms do. I mean, think about it. Moms get praised for taking care of the home, raising and disciplining...
This year has marked a lot of “firsts” for my family. It is the first year without with our son Noah Mathew Leos, who passed away at the age of 5 ½ years on November of 2015, after a...