Comparison, it's an easy world to live in. Social media, TV shows, parenting groups, and even going about your daily business. Those questions you ask yourself creep into your head. "Why can't my kids act that way?" "I wish I...
Our Story I started writing this post many many months ago, but then got distracted.  A recent twitter pic of a rather famous mamma-to-be brought the memories flooding back!  I have told the story of our pregnancy about a billion times,...
I dove in the dumpster today. It was not how I was planning on beginning my day. I was planning to begin my day slowly… Drink a glass of water, make a juice, and enjoy a cup of coffee...
There's something I think every good mom knows. That moment, in a busy crowd or in an open field, when your children stop where they are, turns and looks for you. For you. No one else. You. Sure, their love is...

“Peas Sit”

I've always heard about the wisdom that can come from the mouths of kids. I've not had much experience with that personally, but am starting to get a glimpse now that my son is talking more. When he was a...
Donkey Parents

I Am a Donkey Parent

I have yet to meet a Unicorn Parent. A parent so perfect and magical, they shine like rainbows and shower down glitter wherever they go. These parents effortlessly float from soccer practice to gymnastics to dinner without having to...
I think I’m what some would describe as one of those “Hot Mess” Moms.  Case in point: I’m always late.  To my credit, sometimes my kids need to poop right as we are leaving the house, and that’s not really my...
My son was born at exactly 36 weeks. He came into this world an entire month early, by surprise... On August 13, 2012 I was at my grandmother's house showering and getting ready for bed.  Our apartments' hot water was...
Mom's deserve a few indulgences every now and then, don't you think? I love being a mom. But, sometimes as mothers, we give up simple everyday indulgences. To others, they may seem like little, trivial things. However, to moms,...
The struggle is real moms. At least it is for me. It is a constant battle I fight in my head. The ultimate goal or answer to this internal battle is to be the best mom I can be, but...

Life In Coastal Bend

Guide to Events in the Coastal Bend

The Coastal Bend is FULL of events and we are so excited to share them with you and encourage you to get out and...
Guide to Fall __ Halloween in the Coastal Bend __ Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Fall In The Coastal Bend 2024