You must be in a hurry (and famished) if you’re reading this. And if you’re anything like me, you get hangry quickly. These simple (and yummy!) recipes will get grub on the table for your fam in 30 minutes or...
Happy fall y'all!  Despite the continued 90 degree weather, my pumpkin décor is out and my favorite fall soup is on the stove!  Here is how I make it: Homemade Mexican chicken soup - yummmmm!   Ingredients: About 6 cups of water (depending...
Hey Moms!  So, did you know that an average jar of baby food can sit for as long as 3 years?? 3 YEARS. I'm sure they don't here in our local grocery stores but the point is that they are made...
I know, I know: this is not a new concept by any means, and I am WAAAY late to the game. However... I decided to write this post anyway because OH.MY.GOODNESS has this been a game-changer at our house!!! First of...
It's #TastyTuesday and today we are sharing a super easy recipe that your whole family will enjoy! Don't let the name fool you: although it does have fresh Jalapeño - there is not too much heat.  Ingredient List:  1 Bag Tyson Grilled...

A salad a day…

Ugh, eating! Why do we HAVE to eat 3 times a day! I have said many times that I wish I could only eat when I'm craving a specific food and then that they turned into good calories. Talk...
In our home, we love salsa.  All 5 of us.  We especially love it homemade with fresh ingredients from our garden, but you could buy them from the grocery store as well.  And while we all love salsa, we...
Are you ready for this peanut butter and jelly? What is in YOUR lunchbox? Summer is over and school is back in session, which begs the question: What's in your lunchbox? Is PB& J your go-to? Are you ready for the next...
Recently we had my daughter's first birthday party -I chose to do a strawberry and picnic motif to celebrate her “berry first birthday.” The party was a huge success as were the strawberry jam party favors!   For the adults, which...
Weekly "Theme" Nights Can Simplify Dinner Time (And get your family back to the dinner table) As the school year has picked up and demands have increased in our weekly schedule, family dinner seems like an impossible task. Not only is...

Life In Coastal Bend

Guide to Events in the Coastal Bend

The Coastal Bend is FULL of events and we are so excited to share them with you and encourage you to get out and...
Guide to Fall __ Halloween in the Coastal Bend __ Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Fall In The Coastal Bend 2024