
I’m in LOVE with a ROBOT!

I’m a single mom of two monsters, I mean children... one of which, my two year old, majors in leaving messes. And because I also work full-time, I have to use what little free time I have VERY wisely. ...
We are what you would call, "animal people." Rather, the kids and I are. My husband is guilty by association. Our friends and family sometimes refer to our place as the 'Riojas Mini Farm.' Our creature family currently consists of...
Growing up in Scotland I watched a few American tv shows. Mostly comedies. Friends, Will and Grace, Frasier, and way back in the day, Cheers. They were and still are my reference for all things American. Long live stereotypes. So,...
I know I'm not standing all by myself when I say, 'I LOVE FALL!'  It wasn't even officially autumn yet when I bought a new wreath and hung it on my front door. Yay! Welcome Fall! I simply adore everything that...
I used to watch a lot of television. Then I had kids. Now I escape to the gym when I want to watch my shows. Yes, I am that person. So here is my guide to the best binge watching...
Hi!  I have a confession to make.   I have a clutter problem and I can say that out loud now. Please know it isn't because I'm proud of it.   It's because for the first time in my life I...
There are five things I think of when the hubs says "let's go somewhere this weekend:" Woohooo!!! Quickly followed by... Is the fur-sitter available? Where will we stay? Must see/do list ASAP Hmm, where did I last see x,y,...
One of my favorite activities to do as a family is watch movies. We pop some popcorn and snuggle up on the couch and watch something together. It is so fun to hear my children laughing at funny scenes...

A Bunch of Scrap

I never meant to get hooked. It started at a party. When #1 was born in 2001, some well meaning mom-friends invited me to a scrapbook party. You know the drill: Meet at a friend's house, eat some appetizers, have a...
I was asked by my brother in law to describe the taste of a fresh garden tomato. I closed my eyes and said, “it tastes like earth and sunshine: a perfect combination!” There’s something about a homegrown tomato that you...

Life In Coastal Bend

Guide to Events in the Coastal Bend

The Coastal Bend is FULL of events and we are so excited to share them with you and encourage you to get out and...
Guide to Fall __ Halloween in the Coastal Bend __ Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Fall In The Coastal Bend 2024