25 Days of Christmas Service Christmas for me is about balance. I love snuggling up with Bing Crosby and watching the Holiday Inn. I love gingerbread houses, and writing letters to Santa. I love gathering as a family and reading...

Gift Giving Expectations

When it comes to what I prefer our extended family to gift our children, I waiver between the gift of experiences and practical gifts over toys for the holidays. Here is the thing: gifts of experiences are amazing!!! Gifting the family...
When my son was about two, my mother in law came to me with an idea for a book advent calendar. It was an idea she had seen online and thought it was a good way to encourage my...
It’s a little unbelievable Thanksgiving is around the corner. Ready or not…it is time for turkey and dressing and all the fixings! Though it sounds delicious, the idea of having the same turkey, dressing, and sides at the multiple...
It’s Veteran’s Day, a day in our country when we take a moment to pause and thank those who have dedicated their lives in service to our country. Last year I wrote about those in my family who have...
It is no secret that we are allllllll about supporting our local artists, makers, business owners, and entrepreneurs! We love to see the creativity of our locals. By supporting local we also help our economy and do a small...
Crafts or Crap? Sometimes it can be crap, lol, AND be a lot of extra work for you and your kiddos to do a craft together. Is it worth it? Making memories? Maybe. The headache? ABSOLUTELY NOT. I genuinely enjoy doing little...
I apologize for the long line of mini vans packing the spooky hoods after this.... Now that my twins are a little older, turning 4 in December, they are ALL ABOUT HALLOWEEN. I thought they were last year, but nope...
It is no secret that we are allllllll about supporting our local artists, makers, business owners, and entrepreneurs! We love to see the creativity of our locals. By supporting local we also help our economy and do a small...
It is no secret that we are allllllll about supporting our local artists, makers, business owners, and entrepreneurs! We love to see the creativity of our locals. By supporting local we also help our economy and do a small...

Life In Coastal Bend

Guide to Events in the Coastal Bend

The Coastal Bend is FULL of events and we are so excited to share them with you and encourage you to get out and...
Guide to Fall __ Halloween in the Coastal Bend __ Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Fall In The Coastal Bend 2024