In hopes that we can have a slightly "normal" Halloween this year I thought I would share some tips for Halloween with Type One Diabetes. The first Halloween after my daughter was diagnosed with Type One put me in to...
Every year gift giving for my kids during the holidays and their birthdays gets harder and harder. Especially when their rooms are overflowing with toys that are rarely played with. For the last few years, my husband and I...

Pass-over the Matzah!

Passover Traditions for Kids! Editor's Note: Passover for 2019 is observed April 19-April 27, 2019! The hubs and I grew up with vastly different religious backgrounds and traditions, and we have embraced all of them as new pieces of what we...
There are more than enough holiday activities in the Coastal Bend to keep your family busy this season.  From light displays to visits with Santa, performances to family outings – you’ll find something to keep everyone in the holiday spirit! ***...
You don't need to be afraid of the Holidays! Three weeks after our daughter was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes, our church had a Holiday party. Church gatherings are not something we normally miss, and we wanted to demonstrate that...
I love Easter. I have so many fond memories of Easter at my grandparent's, hunting eggs in my grandfather's small backyard - they were never big or extravagant, but the hunt, the hunt is what I remember. While I long...
I don't know about your kids, but my kids LOVE a good countdown. Countdown to birthdays, countdown to trips, and of course the countdown to Christmas! With that in mind, I wanted to make something with my daughter that she...

Protecting Christmas Day

If you are making a Pros and Cons list for the year 2020, your Cons list would probably be much easier to fill. I have to sit and really be intentional to find things to be grateful for in...
For most families, Christmas is the favorite holiday. The twinkling lights, parades, and promise of gifts under the Christmas tree usually excite children and older for what’s to come the second Halloween night ends. Forget about Thanksgiving, most minds...
I don't know about you, but I LOVE Cinco De Mayo! For many years we have celebrated the day with gatherings with friends, yummy food and drinks, and beautiful BRIGHT colors! For me, it was also kind of the most perfect...

Life In Coastal Bend

Guide to Events in the Coastal Bend

The Coastal Bend is FULL of events and we are so excited to share them with you and encourage you to get out and...
Guide to Fall __ Halloween in the Coastal Bend __ Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Fall In The Coastal Bend 2024