I was Scared for My Life

Back in 2010 life was grand. I had just graduated and was working in my first teaching job as a 7th grade ELA teacher. I was having a blast with my coworkers and going to weekly Happy Hours each...
At 23, most young adults are graduating college, sending out grad school applications and snagging first jobs. They have completed the first leg of the “adulthood” race and they are going places. At least, that is what my Facebook...
It's difficult eating with food allergies. It's especially difficult eating at restaurants. Whether you're at a diner, ballgame, or concert, 90% of getting together with friends and family is eating. And even if that weren't the case, it's nice not...
I never thought we would be that family.  You know?  The allergic to this, intolerant to that, gluten free family. Food issues were headlined in magazines or the focus of blogs, which I conveniently passed over.  They weren't our reality... Until a...
For as long as I can remember, I have had weeks and sometimes months where I go head to head with my personal demon, depression. When it comes to my demon, I don't get suicidal. I do become withdrawn. I'm...
I started this post a year ago. I was struggling to find my place in motherhood. I was unsure how to feel like myself again. Prior to having my son, I was physically active. But when he arrived, my physical health...
Becoming a mom transforms you, inside and out. It's the most wonderful, terrifying, exhilarating, exhausting, and surprising experience. And for many moms, one of those surprises is the not-so-great effect pregnancy has on your body. After giving birth, sometimes the...
Our contributor team went out to watch the movie Bad Moms last week. If you saw the movie, and are like me, you heavily related to one mom in the movie (or two or all of them.) There were several scenes...
Being unhappy makes the people around you unhappy too. That is not fair. My husband likes to tell me (and everyone else) that "happiness is a choice we make." I know he's right, and he's my own personal miracle, but...
Let's Talk About Rape- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Let’s Talk About Rape

Growing up, my siblings and I never really talked about sex with our parents. Thanks to movies like Titanic and Cruel Intentions, I was able to connect the dots about what adults did when they were “in love.”  Rape...

Life In Coastal Bend

Guide to Events in the Coastal Bend

The Coastal Bend is FULL of events and we are so excited to share them with you and encourage you to get out and...
Guide to Fall __ Halloween in the Coastal Bend __ Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Fall In The Coastal Bend 2024