Adriana Armendarez
Cauliflower & Beyond: The Gordita Girls Guide
Channeling one of my favorite Golden Girls, my inner Sophia:
“Picture it, my ranchito 2015 - I saw a recipe for cheesy garlic bread made out of cauliflower. I bought a head of it. Shredded...
Things to do in the Coastal Bend: Tweens, Teens, & Young Adult Edition
Pandemic or no pandemic, raising our kids is no easy feat. Many of us might even be going at it alone, but that doesn’t have to be the case. There are tons of dedicated...
Threenager Vs. Senioroddler and Other Insights Into Daughtering My Parents
They don’t listen. They do what they want. They always need a snack. Listening to reason, what’s that? They need a nap. They need help with their tech devices. Crowds might be overstimulating at...
Donation Stations in the Coastal Bend for Your Gently Used Goods
Whatever your reasons may be for purging your home - starting fresh in 2021, the kids had a growth spurt, the garage is about to burst, motivation from organizing pros you have binge-watched - ...
Self-Care: Eight Essentials
Recently, I took a CEU training on mental health for teens and could literally feel my synapses at work because the dots were finally connecting during the self-care section. I used to think self-care...
Thirteen Things To Do With Your Teen: Mom-Daughter Edition
The greatest thing we can create between our kids is a dialogue with us, so rather than getting the typical responses of “fine,” “it was boring,” “nothing” from your teens, try these out and...
Imprints Leave an Impression – Holiday DIY
The triple Holiday season is here and with it comes a plethora of DIY projects for you and your littles.
Every year I seem to stumble upon even more clever hand or foot-print ideas that...
Find Your Village. Make a Village. Be the Village
Even as the single mom of a 13-year-old daughter, I still remember the days of stressing over finding someone to watch my toddler in a pinch. It was the first time my dad ever...