Oh, sibling comparison and competition… how I detest thee.
I am a middle child. I have an older sister and a younger brother. I don’t have any real memories of competing with them, but I’m sure my mom would tell a different tale. I do recall my brother saying often, “She got more-ther than me!” Thankfully, he’s about to turn 35 and has grown out of it, so I truly believe that someday my monsters will too, but until then… WHAT DO YOU DO?!
We love to go get fro-yo after school and talk about our day. This is how it went a few weeks ago…
“Her cup is bigger then mine.”
“Nope, all the blue cups are the same size.”
“He got three rows of swirl, mine is only 2 and 9/10!”
“Nope, looks like three to me.”
“She got more sprinkles then I did!”
“How can you tell?”
“I counted!”
So I called the hubs and said, “pour me something tall and strong, make it a hurricane before I go insane.”
That’s the tip of the ice cream (wink) in our house. Our most common battles revolve around snacks, tv time, who showered first last night, chores, and who got the rollaway last at the hotel (who knew this was a life perk?!?)
Hubs and I always know when the complaints are coming. It starts with a loud, super winey, “BUT… insert name of closer parent…” and just gets better as they go on and on about the unfairness of the situation.
I know, I know they are TWIN monsters. They have had to share EVERYTHING their entire 9 years of existence. And if anyone else messes with their twin, watch out, as they always have each others backs. (A glimmer of hope for the future!) But in the mean time, the sibling rivalry is killer!!
So, you’re waiting for my big ah-ha moment, right? Where I share my BRILLIANT nugget of how I solved the sibling competition problem.